- Codori AM, Waldeck T, Petersen GM, Miglioretti D, Trimbath JD, Tillery MA. Genetic counseling outcomes: Perceived risk and distress after counseling for hereditary colorectal cancer. J Genet Counsel 14(2):119-132, 2005. Link to Abstract
- Codori AM, Slavney PR, Rosenblatt A, Brandt J. Prevalence of major depression one year after predictive testing for Huntington’s disease. Genet Test 8(2):114-119, 2004. Link to Abstract
- Codori AM, Zawacki KL, Peteresen GM, Miglioretti DL, Bacon JA, Brensinger JD, Booker SV, Picarello K, Giardiello FM Genetic testing for hereditary colorectal cancer in children: Long term psychological effects. Am J Med Genet 166A:117-128, 2003. Link to Abstract
- Brandt J, Shpritz B, Codori AM, Margolis R, Rosenblatt A. Neuropsychological manifestations for Huntington’s disease in presymptomatic individuals. J Internat Neuropsychol Soc 8:918-924, 2002. Link to Abstract
- Codori AM, Petersen GM, Miglioretti D, Boyd P. Health beliefs and endoscopic screening for colorectal cancer: potential for cancer prevention. Prev Med 33:128-136, 2001. Link to Abstract
- Codori AM, Petersen GM, Miglioretti DL, Larkin EK, Bushey MT, Young C, Brensinger JD, Johnson K, Bacon JA, Booker SV. Attitudes toward colon cancer gene testing: Factors predicting test uptake. Cancer Epi Biomarkers Prev 8:345-351, 1999. Link to Abstract